Ansible Role to Configure Jenkins

Rohit Raut
Jul 26, 2021


In this article, we will configure Jenkins using the Ansible Automation tool. It supports all platforms mention in the official installation document of Jenkins.

Let's see, How you can download and configure Jenkins

If you are looking for manual steps:

Step1: Is to download the role

ansible-galaxy install rohitraut3366.jenkins
# To see all installed roles
ansible-galaxy role list

Step2: Configure ansible.cfg and hosts file

In /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

host_key_checking = False

then configure /etc/ansible/hosts file.

Step3: Create Playbook setup.yml

now, run the playbook

You can find the role in the below GitHub link.

That’s all for this article, follow me for more interesting articles.

Thank you for reading…😇



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