OpenStack Installation using DevStack On Centos-Stream
What is OpenStack?
OpenStack is a free, open standard cloud computing platform. It is mostly deployed as infrastructure-as-a-service in public and private clouds where virtual servers and other resources are available to users.
Whats is DevStack?
Devstack is a series of scripts used to quickly bring up a complete OpenStack environment. We can download the latest version of OpenStack from the git master branch. It used to set up a faster and quicker way to set up the development environment and as the basis for most of the OpenStack project functional testing.
What is the difference between centos and centos-stream?
Before 2021, CentOS was regarded as an enterprise-stable, production-ready operating system that had been cloned from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. it was RHEL without the cost of a subscription.
That was the “old” CentOS. The “new” CentOS, aptly called CentOS Stream, will take a similar approach to Fedora, which acts as an upstream source for RHEL. This cento stream will act as a mid-stream between fedora Linux and RHEL and ultimately the new updates trickle down to RHEL.
In this article, I am using centos8 image to install OpenStack.
- [NOTE: If you are using centos 8] convert centos8 to centos-stream
- Download Openstack-Devstack setup from GitHub
- configure sample/local.conf file
- Starting the main installation script.
Let’s get started,
1. Convert Centos 8 to centos stream
If you are interested in more information and practical demonstration you can go for this video.
first. you need to download the centos stream repository.
sudo yum install centos-release-stream -y
#To see what this package contents
rpm -ql centos-release-stream
The next step is to replace centos packages with centos stream packages
sudo yum swap centos-{linux,stream}-repos
now if you run yum repolist
you can see all centos yum repositories are replaced by centos stream packages.
To migrate all packages to stream packages we need to run-
sudo yum distro-sync -y
reboot the system and your centos stream is ready.
2. Download Openstack-Devstack setup from GitHub
first, install git
and python3.8/python3.6
sudo yum install git python3.8 -y # clone the repository
git clone
3. Configuring local.conf file
First, we need to copy this file from sample/local.conf to the Devstack directory and have to set password fields.
cp samples/local.conf .
configure the conf file
4. Starting the main installation script.
In the DevStack directory, we have 3 scripts.
- This is used to install and start the services of OpenStack
- This script doesn't remove the install software in the It will only stop the services of OpenStack
- It will remove all installed packages and clean the system.
Now, start the script
we need to start this script with a privileged user.
if you are getting the below screen then congratulation you have successfully installed OpenStack.
If you facing some error you can do
#and againt run
if you are still facing issues you can connect me on LinkedIn with a proper screenshot of the error. I will try to solve yours issue.